marți, 27 august 2024

R.I.P. Russell Malone (60)...WM 20 aug. 2024 (Relative Pitch X 3)...Tomin, Nicole Mitchell & Ballaké Sissoko, John Blum Quartet feat. Marshall Allen, Za! & La TransMegaCobla...set Henry Threadgill (X 6)...set Tim Berne's Bloodcount (X 4)

R.I.P. Russell Malone (60)...

                                    WAYSIDE (jazzy) MUSIC 20 aug. 2024 

- Hubbub - abb abb abb (Relative Pitch Records, 2024)
- Onceim - Laminaire (Relative Pitch Records, 2024)
- SORBD - Wild Peacock In Transit (Relative Pitch Records, 2024)

- Sun Ra and his Astro Infinity Arkestra - 'Strange Strings' (rec. 1965, rel. Enterplanetary Koncepts 2014)


* Wayne ShorterCelebration, Volume 1 -2 CD live- (rec. 2014, rel. Blue Note 2024)
....și vestea de ultimă oră a spitalizării urgente a saxofonistului...

* K. YoshimatsuFossil Cocoon: the music of K. Yoshimatsu (Phantom Limb, 2024)

* Dan Siegel (keybs) – Unity (Dan Siegel Music, 2024)

* David Larsen (b-sax) – Cohesion (Self Produced, 2024)

* Emmet Cohen (p-no) – Vibe Provider (Mac Avenue, 2024)

* Tomin (a.k.a. Tomin Perea-Chamblee) – Flores para Verene / Cantos para Caramina (International Anthem, 2024)

Nicole Mitchell & Ballaké Sissoko – Bamako*Chicago Sound System (FPE Records, 2024)

                               Flores para....

* John Blum Quartet feat. Marshall AllenDeep Space (Astral Spirits, 2024)
...disc pe care observ că l-a pus „pe tapet” și orădeanul George Staicu/MuzicaDeVest...marcând încă o dată cei 100 ani împliniți de Marshall Allen, asta apropo și de titlul cu Sun Ra găsit din stocul WM undeva mai sus în postare:

* Za! & La TransMegaCobla (Spain) - Za! & la TransMegaCobla -LP- (Keroxen, 2023)

* Soft Machine - Spaced (rec 1969, rel Cuneiform 1996)
....4 piese (din 7):

* Patrice Rushen - Prelusion + Before the Dawn (1974 + 1975, CD Prestige 1998)

Saxofonist/bandlider aflat în studiu:
* Henry Threadgill - Easily Slip into Another World (Novus, 1988)
* Henry Threadgill - Too Much Sugar for a Dime (Axiom, 1993)
* Henry Threadgill Sextett - You Know the Number (Novus, 1987)
* Henry Threadgill Very Very Circus - Live at Koncepts (Oakland, California, 04-04-91) (Taylor Made Records, ????)
* The Henry Threadgill Sextet - Just the Facts and Pass the Bucket (About Time Records, 1983)
* The Henry Threadgill Sextet - Subject to Change (About Time Records, 1985)

''Recorded live in ‘97 Somewhere by Someone''....
...sau „scoaterea de la naftalină” a unor „bootlegs”-uri „undeva de cineva” înregistrate și mai mult sau mai puțin „cosmetizate”: 
* Bloodcount (Formanek, Speed, Black, Berne) - Attention Spam -2 CD live- (rec. 1997, rel. Screwgun 2021)
* Bloodcount (Berne, Ducret, Formanek, Speed, Black) - 5 -2 CD live- (rec. 1997, rel. Screwgun 2021)
* Tim Berne's Bloodcount - Seconds -live- (rec. 1997, rel. Screwgun 2007, 2016)
* Bloodcount & Tim Berne - Lowlife: The Paris Concert I (Screwgun, 1995)

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