joi, 5 decembrie 2013

Bilanț cuneiformic, 2013

Cele 17 albume -de la São Paulo Underground la Guapo- apar alese și exemplificate în link-ul de mai jos. Pentru aprofundări, recomand încă un set tot de la Cuneiform Records, cu excepția câtorva albume ale trompetistului Rob Mazurek, solo sau în formule variabile, apărute și sub alte etichete.

São Paulo Underground (Brazil) - Beija Flors Velho E Sujo (Cuneiform, 2013)
Curtis Hasselbring (tuba) - Number Stations (Cuneiform, 2013)
Robert Wyatt - '68 (Cuneiform, rec 1968, rel 2013)
Chrome Hoof - Chrome Black Gold (Cuneiform, 2013)
Dylan Ryan Sand - Sky Bleached (Cuneiform, 2013)
Pixel (Norway) - We Are All Small Pixels (Cuneiform, 2013)
Blue Cranes - Swim (Cuneiform, 2013)
Mats & Morgan (Sweden) - Radio Da Da / The Teenage Tape (Cuneiform, rec 1992, rel 1998)
Miriodor (Canada) - Cobra Fakir (Cuneiform, 2013)
The Claudia Quintet - September (Cuneiform, 2013)
The Kandinsky Effect - Synesthesia (Cuneiform, 2013)
Tatvamasi (Poland) - Parts of the Entirety [Cuneiform, 2013]
Zevious - Passing Through the Wall (Cuneiform, 2013)
Richard Pinhas - Desolation Row (Cuneiform, 2013)
S.O.S. (John Surman trio) - Looking for the Next One -2CD- (1974 & 1975...Cuneiform, 2013)
Rob Mazurek Octet - Skull Sessions (Cuneiform, 2013)
Guapo - History Of The Visitation {LP/CD + DVD live}(Cuneiform, 2013)

* SÃO PAULO UNDERGROUND (featuring ROB MAZUREK) - TRÊS CABEÇAS LOUCURAS (Three Crazy Heads) [Cuneiform, 2011]
* Pixel - Reminder (Cuneiform, 2012)
* The Claudia Quintet + 1 featuring Kurt Elling and Theo Bleckmann: What Is the Beautiful? (Cuneiform, 2011) 
* Zevious - After the Air Raid (Cuneiform, 2009)
* Rob Mazurek - Calma Gente (Submarine Records, 2010)
* Rob Mazurek Pulsar Quartet - Stellar Pulsations (Delmark, 2012)
* Starlicker (Rob Mazurek, Jason Adasiewicz, John Herndon) - Double Demon (Delmark, 2011)
* Guapo & Cerberus Shoal - The Ducks and Drakes of Guapo and Cerberus Shoal (North East Indie, 2003)
...și albume cu Rob Mazurek în formulele Chicago Underground Duo/Trio/Orchestra, Exploding Star Orchestra, etc

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